FTTx Services

Enabling our clients to deliver a scalable and implementable FTTx solution worldwide

Our experience working with clients in both urban and semi-rural/rural locations has given us a distinct advantage over other Design Companies in that we have extensive knowledge and proven experience in practically every aspect of FTTx network design and rollout.

Network Design Guidelines

Creation and management of tailored Network Design Guidelines, for clients across the UK.

Solution Architecture

 Solution Architecture documents including all recommendations for  passive and active network components. 

Build Specifications
& Guidance

Ensuring a uniformed delivery of the proposed FTTx build solution based on the Network Design Guidance and following the Solution Architecture.

OS Mapping & Customer Address Database

Using OS MaterMap data, Jorvik can take into account services, environmental risks and surface types when determining asset location.

Digital Mapping

We offer a LIDAR survey vehicle and digital mapping service with extensive capabilities and first rate accuracy.

(High Level Design)

Providing a high level view on a proposed town/city/village.

On-Site Survey

Bespoke surveys, incorporating all requirements to capture all information quickly and effectively using digital methods.


We provide a wayleave service  ensuring all properties identified at the HLD stage can be contacted

(Detailed Design)

LLD job pack providing in-depth information, drawings and requirements.

DFE Process

Using LIDAR technology to detect faults, to assess RF frequencies and solutions and enable​ CAD designs from the data/


As-built validation captures actual information post-build to produce accurate records.

Client Asset Data Recording & Database

We can provide an asset record management service, supplying all information to a dedicated asset management database.

Customer Connection Database

Providing a customer connection database of data in a usable format for many different applications.

Let's talk about your project

We also offer a wide range of Wireless Services

Don't know where to start with your project?