
Fibre network designers, Jorvik Design Group, first in UK to invest in a KOREC supplied Trimble MX50 Mobile Mapping System

The introduction of the Trimble MX50 system will play a large part in enabling the Jorvik Design Group to provide a tailored survey and design service. This will  maximize efficiency throughout their telecoms build and network deployment process. 

About the Trimble MX50

The Trimble MX50 is a vehicle-mounted mobile LiDAR system suitable for companies, such as Jorvik Design  Group, who wish to expand their offering to include precise, high-volume data capture technology. The system delivers a very accurate point cloud of the environment along with complimentary immersive imagery and will provide Jorvik with the ability to create extremely accurate designs without time consuming and labour-intensive site walkovers.  

Enhanced workflow

KOREC has worked closely with Jorvik Design Group in the creation of an enhanced workflow that will enable it to complete design jobs far faster and more accurately through the use of the high-precision, current, 3D point cloud data collected by the MX50. Previously, the company worked from Google StreetView where asset data could be outdated or inaccurate. This older data often required time consuming back-and-forth site visits from surveyors for asset checking purposes before network design could begin. 

With the new enhanced workflow, clients provide a boundary map and all relevant UPRNs (Unique Property Reference Numbers) and request that Jorvik plans a design for that network. An initial survey is then driven with the MX50 system mounted on Jorvik’s Land Rover Defender.  

QGIS integration

Under the guidance of Jorvik Design Group Network Planner, Mahmoud Ali, the point cloud is then processed and split into smaller jobs for the design team. A KOREC developed portal and plug-in allows the MX50 collected data to be automatically loaded as a layer for immediate use in their QGIS.  

This easy integration routine means that the initial design can be viewed on top of the point cloud in a pre-defined layer. The same data can then be worked on all by all Jorvik designers simultaneously. 

Client benefits

Having access to a current, high-accuracy, 3D point cloud means that the Jorvik Design Group can now provide an even better service for its clients through the provision of: 

  • Accurate 3D point cloud data for measurements related to costing 
  • A faster design service based on correct asset location  
  • A fully up to date, accurate map of all their assets at the job’s conclusion.  

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